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After ten hours of climping down,we where very tired.we decided tospend the night there

What a strange,sad

bussines that was,


True,Watson - but at

least the case is closed

Ισαάκ-Ιωάννης Αρχοντίδης

We must get this phantom!Little Pico is gone. Carlotta's left us. The opera house is falling apart.


Ισαάκ-Ιωάννης Αρχοντίδης

Ισαάκ-Ιωάννης Αρχοντίδης

Κωνσταντίνος Δημητριάδης

Μάριος Καρράς Santmperk

Once, long ago, I was lucky enough to see their work.

Κωνσταντίνος Δημητριάδης

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